Sgoil an Iochdair agus a'Choimhearsnachd


At any given time we can have several initiatives underway; here you can follow progress and find out the latest.

Our focus for 2024 is to take the lease on the playparks in the catchment area of Iochdar School, so that we can upgrade them. We hope to make them safer and more accessible, with a greater range of activities available. We are also exploring the idea of an out-door art installation at Iochdar Road End. We are working with the community council to progress their footpath plans.

Here are some pictures of the corner path before and after we cleared it - great work from our community.

footpath beforefootpath after

Awards for All Logo

Thanks to a grant from Awards for All, we have detailed plans for the football pitch at Iochdar Hall. We also have the lease sorted out. We have also renewed the planning permission. we have engaged some local contractors for general maintenance, including grass cutting and rolling the existing pitch, and clearing the drains around the pitch. THe pitch surface remains mossy and wet, and further remedial work is required. here for the pitch layout and here for the parking layout and here for the changing rooms floor plan

For more detail on some of our projects please follow these links: