Sgoil an Iochdair agus a'Choimhearsnachd

WHO ARE WE? aerial pic of school

Sgoil an Iochdair agus a'Choimhearsnachd (Eochar School and Community) was formed in December 1998 in response to a lack of outdoor facilities at Iochdar School. It is a community group whose aim is to support recreation and sport in the catchment area of the school, which extends from Peninerine in South Uist up to Island Flodda, Benbecula, in the Western Isles.

Google Maps shows the location of the school. .

Our group is a membership association of individuals and community groups. We have a board of up to seven trustees, of which up to three represent community groups, three are elected from the local community, and one of which is co-opted. See our organisational chart (Microsoft Word, 24K) for more details.

Our current trustees are:

  • Peter Bird (Iochdar Community Council)(Chairman)
  • Morag Ann MacAulay (Treasurer)
  • Ronnie MacPhee
  • Robert Currie
  • 2 Vacancies for an elected community organisation member
  • Vacancy for an elected member

Our Hon. Secretary is:

  • Dr Kate Dawson

New members are always welcome. Download a membership form here.

Sgoil an Iochdair agus a’Choimhearsnachd is a Scottish charity (number SC032387) and a guarantee company without share capital limited by guarantee (number SC 295454).

For further information, please see our constitution (PDF 224K). Please note that the consitution contains amendments from our AGM in 2011.